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Import External 3D Objects

There is a possibility to import 3D models made in profi 3D software like AutoCAD, 3D Studio and SketchUp. The object must be converted to VRML. Room Arranger does have some importing routine (since version 9.1.1), but it still needs your help.

1. Find the Model

Try to get the object in the VRML format, otherwise you need to find a way to convert it to VRML. The file extension is WRL, and to let Room Arranger help you with the import, it should be uncompressed file.

In our example, we will import a flower. You can find it here: chrysanthemums.wrl.

2. Use the Model

The model needs some 2D representation. It can be any object, including Group or Polygon.

So, add some object to your Room Arranger project, for example Plant object from the library, go to its properties and press More (3D)… button. Navigate to Shape section and click on button next to VRML Prototype. Select the WRL file.

Now, Room Arranger will try to fill attributes it needs to know about the model.

First, we need to have a PROTO node wrapped around the object.

Next, let's fill the position and size of the model.

Save the project. After this, the original WRL file is copied into the project structure and is no longer needed.

If you plan to add this object to your User library, it's also wise idea to take a screenshot of the object in 3D, cut it in the graphic editor, resize it to 56×56 pixels, store it to some PNG file, and use it as a Thumbnail.

3. See the Result

I hope you were successful and you see what you wanted to see :-). Good luck.