ROOM ARRANGER - RELEASE NOTES =============================== version 10 (2024/?/?) ----------------------- - Added: Toggle floors and layers visibility in 3D (without need to reload) - Added: Option to show walls with half height in 3D - Added: Save project while editing walls - Added: Multi-select walls or control points inside wall editor - Added: Export 3D scene to file (X3D, STL format) - Improved: macOS variants for Fn keyboard shortcuts - Added: macOS version compatible with Apple Silicon CPUs (M1) - Note: updated built-in 3D viewer Version 9.8.4 (2024/?) ------------------------- - Added: Select all objects with the same type - Added: Possibility to change the default measurement line height - Improved: Project thumbnail quality in Project Browser - Fixed: Remove duplicate points when drawing new polygon - Fixed: Initial size for empty labels - Known issue: Magenta mirrors in 3D viewer on Windows and Linux - Known issue: Soft shadows don't work after 3D viewer resize on Linux version 9.8.3 (2024/3/14) ------------------------- - Fixed: 3D viewer keeps position after reload - Fixed: Viewpoint list updated after viewpoint renamed - Improved: Don't auto-save before 3D view on unmodified project version 9.8.2 (2024/1/26) ------------------------- - Added: Fishbone textures, including 2 with editable color - Fixed: See ceiling in rooms with certain wall configuration in 3D - Fixed: 3D rotation enabled for rectangles in Additional 3D shapes - Improved: More detailed error logging - Fixed: Possible crash in Wall Editor - Improved: When 3D view crashed for some reason, it is started without soft shadows and antialiasing next time - Fixed: New room shape selection box on macOS - Note: Updated Qt framework from 6.5 to 6.6 (LGPL v3 license) - Known issue: Magenta mirrors in 3D viewer on Windows and Linux - Known issue: Soft shadows don't work after 3D viewer resize on Linux version 9.8.1 (2023/10/20) -------------------------- - Fixed: Possible crash when saving project file - Fixed: Custom separators in Export object listing dialog window - Improved: Updated screenshots in help files version 9.8 (2023/9/25) ----------------------- - Added: Energy label object (Symbols library) - Added: 4 seat sofa and couch objects - Added: Missing texture files detection in corrupted project files - Added: Menu command to revert project to currently saved state - Added: (iPad app) Open/save projects and images from/to Files app - Added: (iPad app) Copy project image to clipboard - Improved: Rooms Tuning window preserves custom size and position - Improved: Project Browser window preserves custom size and position - Improved: Using native-looking message boxes on macOS - Improved: Project file name in window title displays user home path as ~ - Improved: Start editing new print page layout right after New button clicked - Fixed: Resetting layers when starting a new single-room project - Note: Updated Qt framework from 6.4 to 6.5 (LGPL v3 license) Min. supported OS: Windows 10 (1809), macOS 11, Ubuntu 20.04, (iOS 12) previously: Windows 10 (1809), macOS 10.14, Ubuntu 20.04, (iOS 9) version 9.7.3 (2023/3/20) ------------------------- - Added: Possibility to change 3D movie transition and pause durations - Improved: Rooms ordered by name in Rooms Tuning window - Fixed: Floating windows position preserved in multi-monitor setup - Fixed: Dimension lines in Wall editor when active layer invisible - Improved: Checking for opened project file modifications on disk - Fixed: File-open and file-save windows localization on macOS version 9.7.2 (2022/12/26) -------------------------- - Improved: Several button icons and texts adapted to dark color theme - Fixed: 3D viewer window resize on Mac Retina screen version 9.7.1 (2022/12/4) ------------------------- - Added: Possibility to save image preview in Rooms Tuning - Fixed: Antialiasing in 3D viewer - Fixed: Screenshots and video recording in 3D viewer version 9.7 (2022/11/4) ----------------------- - Improved: Better user interface scaling on notebook screens - Note: Updated Qt framework from 5.15 to 6.4 (LGPL v3 license) Min. supported OS: Windows 10 (1809), macOS 10.14, Ubuntu 20.04 previously: Windows 7, macOS 10.13, Ubuntu 18.04 version 9.6.2 (2022/8/21) ------------------------- - Fixed: Checking for new another program instance running - critical bug, textures from other instance could be deleted - Fixed: Movie from 3D viewpoints version 9.6.1 (2021/5/6) ------------------------ - Fixed: Checking for new program version and object libraries version 9.6 (2020/12/30) ------------------------ - Improved: Ctrl+Enter to confirm the label text properties - Improved: Ctrl+U to ungroup grouped objects - Improved: Correct dark mode support on macOS - Added: Own dark theme implemented on Windows - Fixed: Print to PDF with A2 format and larger on Windows - Note: Updated Qt framework from 5.6 to 5.15 (LGPL v3 license) Min. supported OS: Windows 7, macOS 10.13, Ubuntu 18.04 previously: Windows XP, macOS 10.7, Ubuntu 14.04 version 9.5.6 (2020/2/22) ------------------------- - Added: Copy and paste wall or floor opening to another floor - Added: 2 new types of window - Added: Picking screen color in color picker - Fixed: Selecting rooms inside another room - Fixed: 3D scene when running program from network folder - Fixed: Alignment commands don't move locked objects - Fixed: Checking for new program version and object libraries version 9.5.5 (2018/9/7) ------------------------ - Improved: Basic objects support changing line thickness - Improved: Special editors and annot. drawn out of project bounds too - Fixed: Background floor plan image calibration on touch displays - Fixed: Minor print dialog related bugs version 9.5.4 (2018/4/12) ------------------------- - Fixed: Possible crash when printing project with pictures - Fixed: Project dimensions after merging two projects - Fixed: Several possible crash bugs version 9.5.3 (2018/2/26) ------------------------- - Fixed: Crash when moving object forward/backward - Added: Squat toilet object version 9.5.2 (2018/2/4) ------------------------ - Improved: Optimized high-res texture usage (store 1024x1024 copies) - Improved: Drawing textured surfaces in 2D is up to 50% faster - Fixed: Ungrouping passwords on macOS, Linux and iOS - Fixed: Setting exterior walls color on new projects version 9.5.1 (2018/1/25) ------------------------- - Fixed: Dimension line length for walls protruding into the room - Fixed: Exterior walls color not lost when floor is simple rectangle version 9.5 (2017/11/20) ------------------------ - Improved: Updated 3D viewer, sun shadows work on older Intel GPUs - Improved: 3D viewer uses less RAM and is faster - Fixed: Texture mapping on several objects - Fixed: Non-tiling texture mapping on walls - Fixed: Sorting by dimensions, position and price in Object Listing - Fixed: Default colors for TV, LCD and All-in-one computer - Fixed: Mouse cursor shape in Viewpoints, Terrain, Polygon editor version 9.4.1 (2017/10/8) ----------------------- - Fixed: Crash when resizing floor opening version 9.4 (2017/9/27) ----------------------- - Improved: 3D view uses up to 50% less RAM and is slightly faster - Improved: Several 3D models improved - Improved: Measurement lines rotates and resizes at the same time - Improved: Touch movement in Annotation and viewpoints editors version 9.3 (2017/7/20) ----------------------- - Added: You can write comments for every object - Added: Description tab inside object properties window - Added: Line and polyline can measure length - Fixed: Format Painter copies line ends style for meas.lines - Fixed: Do not walk on top side of ceiling version 9.2 (2017/4/6) ---------------------- - Added: Line thickness for line and polyline objects - Added: Slope value in Angle object caption (e.g. 20% or 1 : 5) - Added: Basic objects can be used to measure area - Added: List of available object caption variables in Obj. Properties - Improved: A0 and A1 paper size for PDF output - Improved: Locked objects not deleted while multi-selection - Fixed: Rotated polyline editing - Fixed: Angle and Compass drawn with line color - Fixed: Curvature of flues, pipes and curved triangles - Fixed: Printing annotations version 9.1.2 (2017/2/13) ------------------------- - Improved: Click-selection does not change when currently selected object still under cursor - Fixed: VRML prototype for group in group - Fixed: Room statistics numbers precision version 9.1.1 (2016/11/22) -------------------------- - Improved: Setting external VRML prototypes much easier - Improved: Polyline can have curved segments version 9.1 (2016/10/21) ------------------------ - Added: New type of basic object - Table (data) - Improved: More realistic print preview - Improved: Object thumbnails in Browse User Library window - Added: Editing object libraries - Fixed: Saving groups within groups in User Library - Fixed: Minor bugfixes and improvements version 9.0.3 (2016/10/4) ------------------------- - Fixed: Possible crash when scaling grouped object version 9.0.2 (2016/9/14) ------------------------- - Improved: Right-to-left window layout for RTL languages - Improved: Unit names localized version 9.0.1 (2016/9/7) ------------------------ - Fixed: Ceiling will output only in rooms with all full-height walls - Fixed: Zero size moldings do not break 3D view - Fixed: Disable snapping to walls when moving object with more fingers - Fixed: Mouse clicking in 3D view at DPI >= 150% (and Retina Mac) - Fixed: Initial 3D viewport size at DPI >= 150% (and Retina Mac) - Fixed: Printing crosshatch fill style - Fixed: Textures in PDF output on Windows 10 and Mac (other OSs buggy) - Fixed: Object libraries display in right-to-left languages - Improved: Ask for number of decimal places when inserting room areas version 9 (2016/8/31) --------------------- - Added: Annotations - Added: Copy object properties (like Format Painter in Office) - Added: Snap objects to near walls while moving them with mouse - Added: Swinging doors, corner kitchen sink - Added: Doorframe has editable thickness and color - Improved: Window frames not scaled in 3D - Added: 9 new types of window, 4 new types of door (Appearance) - Added: Picture can have frame with editable thickness and color - Added: Ceiling color - Added: Baseboards and crown moldings - Added: New type of basic object - Polyline - Added: New car model - Added: Align objects relatively to the room they are in, or entire drawing - Added: Groups within groups, option to forbid ungrouping (with password) - Improved: Wall Editor shows walls of the floor below as dotted lines - Improved: All icons should look nicer at higher DPI - Improved: Better caching of generated tile textures - Improved: Wall contours switched on by default - Improved: Overall better high DPI support on Windows - Fixed: Cutting floor openings sharing edges with walls version 8.4.1 (2016/4/18) ------------------------- - Fixed: Dialog windows initial positions version 8.4 (2016/4/14) ----------------------- - Added: Enter number of steps of Stairs object and Banister for stairs - Improved: Tiling texture for Pyramid, Trilat. prisms objects (roofs) - Improved: Multi-selection in Terrain editor - Improved: Two program instances on OS X (Project - New Window) - Fixed: Unicode support for filenames on Linux version 8.3.1 (2015/12/1) ------------------------- - Fixed: Keeping different 3D rotation when setting specular reflections version 8.3 (2015/11/18) ------------------------ - Added: Specular color and shininess in Advanced object properties (3D) - Added: Specular reflections defined on most standard objects - Added: More color swatches - Added: WebP support for textures - Improved: Reduced number of selection points for thin objects version 8.2 (2015/10/31) ------------------------ - Improved: Touch interface for Windows tablets - Fixed: Minor bugfixes and improvements version 8.1 (2015/10/14) ------------------------ - Added: Angle shown when drawing wall - Added: Angle switchable between [0-360) or [0-180] - Added: Window objects with Left / Right opening indication - Added: Left/Right variants of same object morph into its counterpart when rotated 90 degrees (e.g. Window L -> Window R) - Added: Exterior walls can have different colors - Added: RAL, British Standard, FED-STD-595 and Pantone color swatches - Added: NCS color approximation - Added: Set object's z-pos to terrain level (if defined) - Added: Any object can be represented as textured Billboard in 3D - Added: Rotate skybox images - Added: Sample projects in menu Project, not persist in Documents folder - Improved: Projects start with default skybox - Improved: Inserted area labels updated when room size or name changed - Improved: Walls support 45 and 135 deg rotated tiled texture - Improved: Non-orthogonal walls can be moved freely - Improved: Snapping to other control point coords when drawing new wall - Improved: Other improvements in Wall editor - Improved: 3D rotated objects drawn correctly in Side editor - Improved: Triangle object supports texture tiling - Improved: Start in Touch mode only when Tablet mode active on Windows 10 - Improved: High DPI display support (scaled images on buttons) - Fixed: Ability to rotate Logo object - Fixed: Viewpoints with auto-z put on terrain level - Fixed: Minor bugfixes and improvements version 8.0.2 (2015/7/31) ------------------------- - Added: Signed installer on OS X version 8.0 (2015/4/7) ----------------------- - Added: Terrain editor - Added: Sun shadow - Added: Browse project files while seeing thumbnails - Added: Black & White drawing (may be helpful for real estate agents) - Added: Zoom to selected objects (Ctrl + '+') - Added: Capture video in 3D viewer is back, w/ selectable codec - Added: New objects - Flower, Rounded Block, Billboard, Wardrobe - Added: Select field of view for 3D - Added: Define Skybox for 3D - Added: Alternative way to set object 3D rotation - Added: Set custom wall alignment (thickness on left and right) - Added: Touch mode for Windows touch screens - Improved: Additional object or texture libraries management - Improved: Dimension lines for doors and windows start at wall edge - Improved: Layers on/off enabled in side view - Improved: High DPI display support version 7.6 (2015/2/1) ---------------------- - Fixed: Possible crash in 3D Viewer - Fixed: Frozen mouse wheel / key input in 3D Viewer after Alt+Tab - Added: OpenGL info in About box version 7.5.9 (2015/1/7) ------------------------ - Fixed: Do not offer 3D thumbnails for 2D-only library objects - Fixed: Possible crash when texture image file not found or corrupted version 7.5.8 (2014/11/30) -------------------------- - Improved: Increased drawing quality of images and textures in 2D - Improved: Export as image at 100% zoom option is back - Fixed: Several drawing-related bug fixes version 7.5.7 (2014/11/20) -------------------------- - Fixed: Rotated multi-line labels - Fixed: Possible crash while printing version 7.5.6 (2014/10/26) ------------------------- - Fixed: Shift+Mouse wheel to scroll - Fixed: Position of color picker window version 7.5.5 (2014/9/16) ------------------------- - Fixed: Print in scale - Fixed: Printing of dashed lines version 7.5.4 (2014/8/14) ------------------------- - Fixed: Export as webpage with 3D - Fixed: Esc in special editors ends current action, not entire editor version 7.5.3 (2014/8/2) ------------------------ - Fixed: Label font size for projects in meters - Fixed: Group toolbar button should not appear in special editors version 7.5.2 (2014/7/27) ------------------------- - Fixed: Displaying Price value in the Object listing version 7.5.1 (2014/7/20) ------------------------- - Fixed: Some DLLs missing on some Windows XP computers - Improved: Nicer UI control for multiple choices version 7.5 (2014/7/18) ----------------------- - Added: Subpages in the object library - Added: Dedicated Symbols library page - Added: Rounded walls - Added: Wall can be invisible (will only divide floor surfaces) - Added: Add your comments to project (TO DO list, ideas, etc.) - Added: Print to PDF - Improved: More flexibility when docking tool windows (layers, comments...) - Fixed: Mirroring walls version 7.4.3 (2014/5/14) ------------------------- - Added: Pinch-to-zoom gesture on OS X - Improved: Objects orientation after mirroring the project - Improved: Selection markers a bit larger version 7.4.2 (2014/4/25) ------------------------- - Added: 4 new types of window (Appearance) - Fixed: Opening old project files with textures saved with absolute path - Fixed: Bug fixes and small improvements version 7.4.1 (2014/2/24) ------------------------- - Improved: Rotate doors by dragging green corner with mouse - Fixed: Bug fixes version 7.4 (2014/2/14) ----------------------- - Added: Object rotation done by dragging green corner - Added: Control point properties dialog window in Polygon editor - Improved: Setting up 3D viewpoints done in a special editor mode - Improved: Switching to Explore mode in 3D moves to Front top view - Improved: Line color shown in Object listing when fill is transparent - Fixed: Grouped labels visible even if group caption set invisible - Fixed: Bug fixes version 7.3.1 (2013/11/26) -------------------------- - Fixed: Grouped doors in 3D - Fixed: 3D viewer crash on old graphics cards with OpenGL 1.4 version 7.3 (2013/11/17) ------------------------ - Improved: Objects with 3D rotation shown correctly in Side editor - Improved: Soft Shadows + Anti-Aliasing enabled for Intel GPUs in the 3D viewer - Improved: Game-like navigation in the 3D viewer (WASD + mouse) - Improved: 3D viewer consumes less memory - Improved: Doors can be grouped (interactive furniture) - Improved: Detect file changes on disk and offer its reload (e.g. in Dropbox) - Fixed: Import objects invoked from Browse User Library window - Fixed: Possible bug when saving very large projects version 7.2.7 (2013/8/14) ------------------------- - Fixed: Crash when adding a dimension line to a wall - Fixed: Bug when generating 3D version 7.2.6 (2013/6/17) ------------------------- - Fixed: Bug fix in floor tile drawing, when tile size below 5 mm version 7.2.5 (2013/5/29) ------------------------- - Fixed: Two possible crash-bugs version 7.2.4 (2013/4/20) ------------------------- - Improved: Registration details stored in a more robust way version 7.2.3 (2013/4/16) ------------------------- - Fixed: Caption for imported objects will not include the file path version 7.2.2 (2013/3/11) ------------------------- - Fixed: Wall thickness in new projects when having default unit other than cm version 7.2.1 (2013/2/21) ------------------------- - Fixed: Storing font size, when using comma as the decimal separator version 7.2 (2013/1/29) ----------------------- - Improved: Left panel design - Improved: Texture window - Added: "Edit" section in Left panel w/ selected object, floor color (texture) - Added: Tile brick design - Added: Tiles: switch tile joints on/off, select their color - Added: Tiles: Checkered tile design supports two textures - Added: Certain tile textures may be modified with custom colors (stencils) - Added: Hold Shift to resize objects while keeping the aspect ratio - Improved: Toolbar color on Windows 8 - Improved: Export to Image supports JPEG image format - Fixed: Bug fixes version 7.1.2 (2012/10/31) -------------------------- - Fixed: Save project was crashing on some computers after a few months - Fixed: 3D Viewer shows strange geometry on some systems, restoring version 7.1.0 version 7.1.1 (2012/10/3) ------------------------- - Fixed: Bug fixes in Layers window and 3D viewer version 7.1 (2012/9/13) ----------------------- - Improved: Window size not changed when snapped to left/right screen border Enables to have 2D editor AeroSnapped to left, 3D view to right - Added: Tiling texture for rectangle and tilted surface objects - Improved: Unified F5 shortcut to open/refresh 3D view - Fixed: Edit from side: Selecting print area and Page layout disabled - Fixed: Mouse cursor when selecting print area - Fixed: Align objects left/right with respect to project version 7.0.5 (2012/9/1) ------------------------ - Fixed: Texture mapping on tilted surface object - Fixed: Hiding a layer refreshes the object listing window - Fixed: Handling of textures when new project was not saved yet version 7.0.4 (2012/8/15) ------------------------- - Added: Set ground z-pos, enabling cellars and swimming pools - Added: Sound clips in OGG file format - Improved: Select texture for grouped objects - Fixed: Saving to files with non-english characters in 3D view - Fixed: Printing of the grid - Fixed: Ctrl+A skips all door types, windows and wall openings version 7.0.3 (2012/7/9) ------------------------ - Added: Texture on the ground of the 3D world - Fixed: No flicker when refreshing the 3D Viewer - Fixed: Picking viewpoint coordinates in Setup window - Fixed: Texture tiling on grouped polygon version 7.0.2 (2012/6/26) ------------------------- - Fixed: Saving of single-room projects made in wizard - Fixed: 3D scenes with objects smaller then 1 mm - Fixed: Printing of rotated captions - Fixed: 3D rendering improvements on Intel graphics - Improved: Less flickering when refreshing the 3D Viewer - Fixed: Wireframe effect on ATI Radeon 6xxx version 7.0.1 (2012/6/21) ------------------------- - Fixed: Use only one 3D viewer window (failed on some computers) - Fixed: Line artifacts in shadows in 3D on Intel graphics - Improved: F5 shortcut refreshes 3D view version 7 (2012/6/17) --------------------- - Added: Tiling textures on floors and walls - Added: Built-in 3D Viewer - Added: Texture library, customizable with built-in textures - Added: New file format that includes also all textures used in the project in one file. Backward compatibility (versions 1 - 6) kept. - Added: 3D Viewer has instant 3D refresh which keeps camera position - Added: Viewpoints can be added directly from 3D Viewer - Added: Viewpoints drawn onto the project, it's possible to edit them there - Added: 3D Viewer can save viewpoint walkthrough to movie file - Added: 3D Viewer supports 3Dconnextion devices (3D mice) - Added: New object - Mirror, showing the real reflection in 3D Viewer - Added: New object - QR Code - Added: Sound clips can be assigned to object, played in 3D - Added: Polygon object supports 3D rotation - Added: Tiling texture available on polygon object - Improved: Reliable colors of textured objects in 3D - Improved: TV, LCD and All-in-one computer can display any custom image - Improved: Doorframe available for wall openings - Improved: Sliding door and pocket door support selection of handle types - Improved: Garage door opening into inside - Improved: Drawing of windows in 2D - Improved: Objects w/out 3D thumbnail show front side view in Library window - Improved: Grid has selectable line style and is drawn below floor texture - Improved: Objects with Link attribute are clickable in 3D - Improved: Export grouped object listing into clipboard - Improved: High DPI monitor support in the entire application version 6.0.3 (2012/4/3) ------------------------ - Improved: 3D viewpoint tilting is now an option - Fixed: Lock-size state preserved for objects added to User library - Fixed: Several minor bug fixes version 6.0.2 (2012/3/2) ------------------------ - Fixed: Storing object textures in User library - Fixed: Collect for Output skipped textures in Grouped objects - Added: Loaded image with floor plan is available in basic view too - Improved: Walls are transparent when showing image with floor plan version 6.0.1 (2012/2/26) ------------------------- - Added: Triangle and Ellipse objects support 3D rotation - Improved: 3D rotation range not limited (was 0-90 deg) - Improved: 3D rotation visualization - Fixed: Possible crash when entering wall editor - Fixed: Mouse cursor over triangular objects version 6 (2012/2/21) --------------------- - Added: Display inches as feet+inches, e.g. 54.5" -> 4' 6 1/2" - Added: Select number of decimal places/inches fraction for values - Improved: New color picker includes textures and hatch styles - Added: Option to print only a smaller area from the project - Added: New type of basic object - Angle - for measures - Added: New object - Carpet, with default texture applied to any color - Added: Carpet and Picture on the Floor show texture in 2D as well - Added: Hatch style for each wall, default style in Options - Added: 4 new types of door (Appearance) - Added: Doorframes and selection of door handle models - Improved: Drawing of doors and wall openings, more precise - Improved: Doors and windows copied when adding new floor - Added: Layer opacity setting - Added: Dimension Object command in object's context menu - Added: You can lock object size against accidental resizing - Added: Rotating measuremnt captions is now an option - Added: Export project file including all textures into one folder - Improved: UI changes - Improved: Increased field of view in 3D to 103° (from 90°) - Improved: View is rotated 10° down in 3D - Improved: Logo image supports transparency (PNG, GIF) - Improved: Columns resizing in Part Listing - Improved: Slightly changed measurement line drawing - Fixed: Background images for wall editing loaded in full resolution - Fixed: Several minor bugfixes and improvements - Note: Support for Windows 95/98/Me discontinued version 5.6.9 (2011/3/7) ------------------------ - Improved: Locations of Sample projects and User library. They are stored in Documents\Room Arranger, not in Program Files - Improved: Installer and Uninstaller handle Windows user rights better - Fixed: Drawing of floor openings in wall editor version 5.6.8 (2011/2/19) ------------------------- - Improved: Object listing window dockable - Improved: Home screen/library window is resizable - Added: Floor navigation on Home screen - Added: 3 new types of Compass object (Appearance) - Improved: Slightly modified Window drawing, new default colors - Improved: Object listing starts with Size column only as default - Fixed: Main window background redrawing - Fixed: Curved polygons could have wrong curvature in 3D - Fixed: Send mail fixed to work with more email clients version 5.6.7 (2011/1/18) ------------------------- - Fixed: Startup error message on Windows XP version 5.6.6 (2011/1/16) ------------------------- - Added: "Rooms in the Project" window and Numerical wall editor are resizable - Added: Save wall image in Rooms in the Project to file - Added: Save screenshot of embedded 3D view - Added: Reorder objects in User library by dragging - Improved: 3D viewpoints always animated when possible - Improved: Drawer object can have front color assigned - Added: Rotation available in object listing export - Fixed: Support for running on secondary monitor - Fixed: Support for large fonts in Windows (120 dpi) version 5.6.5 (2010/8/13) ------------------------- - Fixed: Possible crash in wall editor version 5.6.4 (2010/5/30) ------------------------- - Fixed: Doors not drawn on walls with 0 thickness - Fixed: Several issues with lines - Fixed: Minor bugfixes version 5.6.3 (2010/4/14) ------------------------- - Improved: Toolbar icons - Fixed: Not drawing start page when invisible at startup - Fixed: Text size in Page Layout editor - Fixed: Minor bugfixes version 5.6.2 (2010/3/28) ------------------------- - Improved: Several objects redesigned in 2D and 3D to be more realistic - Improved: color-correcttion of 3D lighting on objects with texture - Improved: Added floor texture to sample projects - Fixed: Floor texture saved as relative path version 5.6.1 (2010/3/12) ------------------------- - Improved: 3D lighting visible on objects with texture - Improved: Slightly adjusted 3D lighting - Improved: Semitransparent objects are semitransparent in 2D as well; (requires antialiasing switched on in Options) - Fixed: Compatibility with BS Contact 7.2 - Fixed: Captions are not lost after group & ungroup - Added: Polygonal floor opening - Fixed: Calculating geometry of floor openings - Fixed: Several minor bugfixes and improvements version 5.6 (2010/1/5) ---------------------- - Added: Start Page (F2) with shortcuts to libraries and most common tasks - Added: Start Page enables search (F3) for objects within libraries - Improved: User interface colors - Added: Load background image with floor plan and draw walls on top of it - Added: Select print font for object captions - Added: Support for 3D mice by 3Dconnexion (Space Pilot, ...) in 2D mode - Added: Add dimension line to a single wall using R-Click command - Added: Dimension lines in side editing (but deleted upon exit) - Added: 2 new objects in Additional 3D Shapes library - Added: Import and export User library objects in the main window version 5.5.4 (2009/9/4) ------------------------ - Added: Switching between floors directly in wall editor - Added: Calculate size and areas of all walls - as Export statistics at Rooms in the Project window (F7) - Added: Wall sizes shown also as Hints under cursor there - Fixed: Disappearing old dimension lines when adding doors, windows - Fixed: Precise moving with walls in projects with decimal numbers disabled - Fixed: Loading of certain PNG types into Logo object - Fixed: Minor bugfixes version 5.5.3 (2009/7/13) ------------------------- - Fixed: Crash when moving walls - due to bug in 5.5.2 version 5.5.2 (2009/7/12) ------------------------- - Added: You can add and edit your dimension lines in wall editor - Added: Dim.lines are shown before starting new wall in wall editor - Improved: Better alignment of automatic dimension lines in wall editor - Improved: Limited automatic main window resizing in wall editor - Fixed: Crash when 16 bit colors were set in Windows display setting - Added: Started a Twitter feed version 5.5.1 (2009/6/19) ------------------------- - Fixed: Editing Wall properties could destroy all neighboring walls - Fixed: Numerical wall editor - Fixed: Disappearing doors or windows after ending Side editor - Improved: Version numbering more clear (new style: 5.5.1, old: 5.51) version 5.5 (2009/3/29) ----------------------- - Improved: 3D viewing possible in own window, not in web browser - Added: New type of basic object - Logo - image in 2D drawing - Added: New type of basic object - Polygon - draw your own 2D shape - Added: Define custom page header or footer when printing (page layout) - Added: Label can contain variables: %DATE%, %TIME%, %USER% - Added: Select sky color for 3D - Added: Editable floor thickness in multi-floor projects - Added: 12 new objects in Additional 3D Shapes library - Added: Objects can be visible in Wall editor - Added: Pictures visible while editing from side - Improved: Alignment and Layers windows can be docked in main window - Improved: Dimension lines aligned to inner wall dimension - Improved: Labels and lines can be added to groups - Improved: Better detail in 3D for several round objects - Added: Function for direct export of the whole User library - Improved: Export multiple objects from User library at once - Improved: Window position and zoom is restored after editing from side - Improved: Horizontal scrolling with tilting mouse wheel - Improved: Moving with objects snapped to walls - Fixed: Some controls were misplaced in 120 dpi Windows resolution - Fixed: Repainting of some controls in Vista - Fixed: Program sometimes stopped responding when checking for updates - Improved: Multilingual installer version 5.04 (2008/3/31) ------------------------ - Fixed: Selecting color for a single wall in rectangular project - Fixed: Elliptical floor opening - Improved: Measurement lines stay visible while editing walls version 5.03 (2008/2/28) ------------------------ - Fixed: Possible crash at the startup (w/o additional languages) - Improved: Ctrl+click adds object to selection - Improved: Alt+arrows aligns selected objects - Fixed: Proper object dimensions shown when editing from side - Fixed: Many other minor improvements version 5.02 (2007/7/14) ------------------------ - Improved: Slightly adjusted 3D illumination - Fixed: File extension when sending project as e-mail - Fixed: Import objects to user library from faked files - Fixed: Bug in Wall Editor (floor openings) - Fixed: Serial number verification version 5.01 (2007/7/5) ----------------------- - Fixed: Two issues in Wall Editor - Improved: Images for disabled toolbar buttons version 5 (2007/4/3) -------------------- - Added: Multi-floor projects - Added: Full Unicode support - Added: Better color reproduction in 3D - Added: Select color for each wall - Added: Sort object listing by any column - Added: Snap objects horizontally/vertically (align&distr menu) - Added: Line ends for measurement lines - Added: Automatic dimension lines when moving doors and windows - Added: 9 new door and window shapes (appearance) - Added: Select exterior wall color and ground color - Added: Scrolling the project by clicking the mouse wheel - Added: Ctrl+Drag selects objects fully inside sel. rectangle - Added: Modify User library items directly from the main window - Added: Select 3D preview image for user library items - Added: Limited support for imported VRML models - Added: Import Object listing from TXT file - Added: Integrated calculator with feet/inches input - Added: Automatic project backuping - Added: Automatic checks for new program version - Added: New program icon, splash screen and About window - Added: List of keyboard shortcuts in the help file - Improved: Vista compatible - Fixed: Dozens of minor bugfixes and improvements version 4.67 (2006/11/1) ------------------------ - Fixed: Compatibility with Cortona VRML Client version 5 version 4.65 (2006/7/31) ------------------------ - Added: Object duplication available in Side Editor - Added: Column separator in Part listing export - Improved: Faster object properties in case of large user library - Improved: Close button in Wall or Side Editor closes the editor rather then the whole application - Fixed: Removing of user library pages version 4.64 (2006/6/27) ------------------------ - Improved: Handling of textures in user library - Improved: Minor improvements version 4.63 (2006/6/5) ----------------------- - Added: Custom colors in color selection window contain 8 most recently and 8 most frequently used colors - Added: Printing available in Side Editor - Fixed: Proper undo after editing walls - Fixed: No problems with '#' in captions and labels version 4.62 (2006/5/24) ------------------------ - Fixed: Font size of captions with room areas version 4.61 (2006/5/9) ----------------------- - Fixed: Several bugs in Object Listing - Find version 4.6 (2006/4/18) ----------------------- - Added: Kitchen cabinets - Added: Front color for kitchen cabinets - Improved: Rectangular complex objects can be resized freely - Added: New basic object - Line - Fixed: Opening door in CosmoPlayer and BS Contact VRML viewers - Fixed: Several problems in Side Editor version 4.5 (2006/3/8) ---------------------- - Improved: Changed file extension from MST & MSK to RAP & RAL. Files were being accidentaly blocked by some antivirus programs; Catalog.msk renamed to UserLib.ral - Added: Library window is docked - Added: Side Editor - you can finally design a kitchen easily - Added: Folding door, sliding door, double door (animated) - Added: Button "Find" in the object listing window - Added: New object property - Identification (e.g. catalogue number) - Added: Antialiased 2D drawing (requires gdiplus.dll installed) - Added: Layers not visible in 2D can be drawn in 3D (layers window) - Added: Better object color control in 3D - Added: Optional column headings in the object listing export - Added: Possibility to share object libraries - Fixed: Price is included in the object listing export - Improved: Main toolbar slightly redesigned - Improved: Faster program startup - Improved: Font size on text captions for projects in ft, mm, etc - Fixed: Minor bugfixes and improvements version 4.01 (2005/12/19) ------------------------- - Fixed: Program crashed when rotating labels - Fixed: Proper position of door in 3D - Improved: Optimized lighting in larger projects version 4 (2005/10/14) ---------------------- - Added: Drag & drop Wall editor - Added: Objects can have image texture - Added: Objects can be rotated with mouse - Added: Doors and Windows have separate library page - Added: Doors can be closed as an initial state in 3D - Added: Automatically add Dimension Lines to all walls - Added: Insert Labels with all room names and areas to the project - Added: 2D view of room walls in "Rooms in the Project" window - Added: Labels can be rotated - Added: New type of basic object - Compass - Added: All basic and additional 3D shapes also as transparent - Added: Support for additional third-party object libraries - Added: New object property - Price - Added: Price column for object listing - Added: Selecting which columns to be shown in the object listing - Added: Objects can be grouped by type in the object listing - Added: Limited support for object 3D rotation (rectangle, circle) - Improved: Project area stays in the center of the program window when zooming - Improved: Status bar with hints - Fixed: Proper dimensions of objects inserted from user library - Fixed: No space above windows in 3D - Improved: Hatched main window background - Improved: Picking of Local coordinates snappes to walls - Fixed: Dozens of minor bugfixes and improvements version 3.91 update (2005/5/30) ------------------------------- - Improved: New, smaller, modern setup program, checks for installed VRML viewer version 3.91 (2005/1/14) ------------------------ - Fixed: Editing walls in rooms created by Wizard version 3.9 (2004/12/16) ------------------------ - Added: Wizard for creating new projects - Added: Simple wall editor for new single room projects with predefined shapes (to be additionally improved in version 4.0) - Added: Export as webpage with 2D image and 3D scene - Added: Select appearance of doors and windows (object property) - Added: 3D preview of library objects - Added: Send project as email attachment - Added: Command for moving all labels to separate layer (keep on top) - Added: Flip / Mirror project (transformations) - Improved: Layer window saves its position, added keyboard shortcut - Added: Option to auto-open last edited project - Fixed: Import of user objects to selected library page - Fixed: Minor bugfixes and improvements version 3.83 (2004/9/29) ------------------------ - Fixed: Printing (again) - Fixed: Drawing of wall corners (with angle close to 180 deg) - Fixed: Adding objects to User library pages version 3.82 (2004/8/23) ------------------------ - Fixed: Printing failed on some computers version 3.81 (2004/7/19) ------------------------ - Improved: Grid labels exported and have separate column in Object listing - Fixed: Printing with landscape paper orientation - Fixed: Viewpoint names can contain non-english characters - Fixed: Added limitation of max zoom factor on Windows 95/98/Me version 3.8 (2004/6/29) ----------------------- - Added: Support for walls in attic rooms (slanted wall) - Added: Import and Export of objects in User library - Added: User library can be divided into pages - Added: List of local coordinates - Added: List of viewpoints (3D) - Improved: 3D illumination - Added: Grid labels - Fixed: Save / load of complex Objects added from popup menu - Fixed: Save / load of duplicated complex Objects - Fixed: Printing on A3 printer - Fixed: Resizing of circular objects - Added: Two more variants of pictures linking an extrenal image, but it still works only in 3D - Fixed: Window above another window or door in 3D - Fixed: Assigning font to new Captions - Added: Support for plugins, contact us for details - Fixed: Minor bugfixes and improvements version 3.7 (2004/2/4) ---------------------- - Improved: Printing faster and in much higher quality - Added: Print one project over more pages (in defined scale) - Added: Select priter fonts for title and notes - Fixed: Page border and number of copies treated correctly - Added: Objects can be resized with mouse - Added: Objects can be added from menu next to Add object button - Improved: Object listing window is floating - Added: More functions in object listing popup menu - Added: Object listing export options - Improved: If you specify image file in Link of Picture object, you will see the image in 3D (user-defined pictures) - Added: Select font for object captions - Added: Z order can be created from objects' z-position - Improved: Z-position is shown in short object popup info - Improved: Custom colors in Color dialog are saved - Added: Select objects with the same color (popup menu) - Improved: Removing objects from User library with Delete key - Fixed: Objects smaller then 1 cm were not visible in 3D - Fixed: Object link is always visible in object properties - Fixed: Problems with negative values in preview of Edit Walls version 3.62 (2003/12/22) ------------------------- - Added: Objects can have associated links to webpages or documents - Added: Set calibration for 100% zoom (useful in feet-inches system) - Added: Set wall length and rotation instead of From-To coordinates - Fixed: Preserving room colors after transformations - Fixed: Keeping position of the objects snapped to wall - Fixed: Loading Complex objects in Objects properties window - Added: Print setup is saved in the project - Fixed: Minor bugfixes and improvements version 3.61 (2003/9/2) ----------------------- - Improved: Object Listing window - Fixed: Object movement after Copy+Paste - Fixed: Adding objects to the room with groups - Fixed: Decimal wall thickness version 3.6 (2003/8/20) ----------------------- - Added: Creating custom complex objects (Groups) - Fixed: Room is now called Project (there can be more rooms in it) - Added: Selecting floor and wall colors for each room in the project - Added: Statistics for each room (wall perimeter, floor area) - Added: New basic object - Measurement Line - your measurements will stay in the project, create using M key and left mouse button - Improved: Elliptic objects can be rotated freely - Added: Print preview - Added: Open new program instance from main menu - Added: Alignment palette version 3.5 (2003/7/9) ---------------------- - Added: Multi-selection - Added: New objects in the library - Added: Copy selected objects to another room using Clipboard - Added: Align objects in the room - Added: Lock object - prevents object from moving (context menu) - Added: Merge rooms - Added: Feet/Inch unit convertor - Added: Transformations on the room (shift all, convert units) - Added: All numbers can be decimal - Improved: z-pos of objects in user library is saved (useful for windows) - Added: Object origin is shown in the properies window (red cross) - Fixed: Export of large files - Fixed: Minor bugfixes and impovements version 3.26 (2003/4/22) ------------------------ - Added: Set height for each wall - Fixed: Position for objects snapped to wall version 3.25 (2003/4/14) ------------------------ - Added: New basic object - Arrow - Added: Interactive doors in 3D (hide it unchecking its Fill color) - Fixed: Drawing and undo bug-fixes version 3.2 (2003/3/31) ----------------------- - Improved: Faster and safer work with large images. Not using so much memory. - Improved: Much faster open/save room and 100% working under Win9X - Added: Zoom in or out with Ctrl+MouseWheel - Improved: Zoom from cursor - the point under the mouse cursor doesn't move when zoom in/out - Added: Width, Length and Height can be decimal number (nevertheless, position must still be whole number) version 3.1 (2003/3/20) ----------------------- - Added: Single object selection, move with arrows, Alt+Enter for its properties, Del deletes, Ctrl+L, Ctrl+R for rotating - Added: Layers - Added: Export as image in PNG format - Improved: Help file - Added: New basic object - Octagon - Improved: Select walls in Room Walls dialog using mouse click in the preview window - Improved: New objects in the library, improved shapes for 3D view - Fixed: Adding and retrieving objects from the User Library - Added: Rotate 180 degrees in the object context menu version 3.0 (2003/2/16) ----------------------- - Added: Explore in 3D - Added: Print in certain scale (e.g. 1:50) - Added: More steps in Undo-Redo History - Improved: Edit Walls dialog reminds you of unsaved changes - Added: Local coordinates (you define their origin) - Added: Holding Shift during Measurement measures line with rotation in 45 degrees multiples - Added: Rotation helper in Object Properties, holding Shift sets rotation in 45 degrees multiples - Fixed: Object position during the object duplication - Fixed: Printing of large images in grayscale version 2.20 (2003/1/20) ------------------------ - Added: Library - dozens of common objects - from plant to Spitfire - Added: Catalogue is now called "User library" - Added: Text label (as a new object), select its font and more - Added: New basic objects - Circle and Hexagon - Improved: Drawing of the objects in zooms higher then 100% - Added: Options, change default colors for objects - Added: Measurement - Improved: Adjust the space around the room in detail - Added: Line style as an object property - Added: Rotate left and/or right in the object context menu - Fixed: Doors are not drawn using dashed line style - Added: Rename object in User library in context menu - Improved: F1 raises context help - Improved: Optimized buttons on toolbar - Added: Command New will show Room size window automatically - Fixed: Export to image file works (bug in 2.10) - Improved: Export in any zoom and disable adding the text (in Options) - Fixed: minor bugfixes - Added: Windows XP support version 2.10 (2002/11/25) ------------------------- - Added: New type of object - Triangle (right-angled) - Added: Print support - Added: Undo (one step) - Added: Quick info about the object under the mouse cursor (tooltips) - Improved: Export always in 100% zoom - Added: Best fit view (see the entire image in the window) - Added: Open files always in best fit view - Improved: Smart zoom factors - Added: Export object listing to clipboard - Fixed: Default catalogue is localized when creating (for new users) version 2.00 (2002/10/21) ------------------------- - Added: Toolbar with XP style buttons - Added: Show collisions - Added: Duplicate objects in context menu - Added: Editing of walls; wall thickness; wall color - Added: New type of object - Window (remains in the wall) - Added: Doors can be snapped to the wall - Added: Export to clipboard - Added: Open file dialog starts in the last used folder - Added: Double-click on the object brings its properties - Improved: Preview windows have gradient-filled background - Added: Connected file extension *.mst with Room Arranger. You can open the file by double-click in Explorer, etc. - Added: Drag&drop files into the application from Explorer, etc. - Added: You can change the unit name - one pixel can be one now cm, inch, meter, km or anything you want - Added: Show/Hide Grid using a toolbar button - Added: Show/Hide Captions on all objects - Added: Adjust the space around the room - Added: Option to automatically change the size of the main window when opening a file or zooming - Fixed: Parts Listing context menu is localized (missed in 1.11) version 1.11 (2002/8/29) ------------------------ - Added: The program completely rewritten into English to support multiple languages. Name of the program is now "Room Arranger" - Fixed: Adding of a new object in a zoom factor other then 100% - Added: Mouse-wheel support version 1.10 (2002/4/7) ----------------------- - Added: New types of objects - Ellipse and Door - Improved: Changed Object properties window: added preview, transparent lines, object fill and the caption can be hidden as well. You can hide the Catalogue part of the window. - Improved: New way how to select colors - Fixed: Removing the object in the Object Listing will redraw the room - Added: Editing object properties in the Object Listing window - Added: Whatsnew.txt file :-) version 1.00 (2002/3/23) ------------------------ - the first release